Sunday, August 23, 2015

Avviso per i sindaci dei comuni della Val di Fassa, Val di Fiemme e Val di Cembra

Per l'attenzione dei sindaci dei comuni della Val di Fassa, Val di Fiemme e Val di Cembra.

Con il presente si avvisa che prossimamente e' in arrivo un terremoto piu' forte dei precendenti. Questo terremoto spaccherra' i muri delle dighe dei laghi artificiali di Fedaia, Paneveggio e Stramentizzo. Le aque cosi' scenderanno fino a Trento dove si fermeranno formando un lago (Il Lago del Giudizio). Trento rimarra' sott'aqua insieme a tutti i suoi edifici e residenti. La discesa delle aque senza dubbio sara' causa di danni anche nei vostri comuni. Questo e' inevitabile. Vi presento un breve elenco degli ultimi atti giudiziarie compiute dal corrispondente:

1) I terremoti di Agosto

2) L'incendio in Torre Civica il 4 Agosto

3) Gli incendi in varie chiese in Israel durante la visita del Papa nel 2014

Tutto sommato vi avviso il seguente. In caso ci siano residenti nei vostri comuni di origine ebraica bisogna assolutamente evacuarli.

In caso ci siano residenti delle catagorie seguenti possono restare fermi.

1) quelli che sono d'accordo con gli omicidi molteplici della communita' ebraica nel 1475
2) quelli che sono d'accordo che i beni rubati dalla communita' ebraica fin ora non e' stata restituita
3) quelli che sono fieri per il credo tridentino
4) quelli che sono fieri per il rito tridentino
5) discendenti dei soldati della tridentina
6) discendenti di quelli che erano fieri per un'alleanza con i Nazi durante e dopo la seconda Guerra mondiale
7) quelli che credono che Trento ha il diritto di partecipare in sequestri internazionali di minori non cittadini italiani
8) quelli che credono sia giusto togliere minori da padri ebraici e allevarli contro tali tradizioni
9) quelli che si inchinano davanti agli idoli
10) Tutto sommato, cattolici.

Si nota che queste catagorie comprendano la stragrande maggioranza dei residenti dei vostri comuni ma comunque per corretezza va avvisato. Ribadisco, se sono residenti discendenti di ebrei nei vostri comuni vanno subito evacuate. Il giudizio in arrivo non e' destinato a tali anime sante.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Glacier on Marmalada is melting.

OK my brothers. It looks like the strategy of bringing on the heat wave from the North has been working. The glacier on Marmalada is melting to the point where local media is sounding the alarm.

It's almost time to blow the dam at Fedaia lake with one last earthquake. It is of the utmost importance that we stick to the plan of doing this with miracles only. I want the whole world to recognize the hand of HaShem in the destruction of Tridentum that they give glory to his name and his power to save his people even the smallest of his daughters.

Time To Blow The Dam

OK guys. It seems that the Amalekim in Trento (a.k.a. Tridentum) want to play tough guys to the very last.

I now authorise the final earthquake. Let's blow the dam and send Tridentum back under the water where it belongs. Don't worry about the gold. We can pretend we're looking for survivors and send divers down to recover the stolen treasure.

I accept full responsibility for the destruction of the city and its occupants who choose to remain in the city despite the warning. However, please make sure all of Jewish descent leave the city to a safe place. Better to go North than South in preparation for the invasion which will follow the cataclysm.

It's time to regroup in Ukraine at Uman so that when the earthquake occurs no one can accuse any of us of being present within EU borders. And remember, don't be afraid. It is HaShem that will fight for you in the final solution to the Roman question.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Il Destino di Trento

Dina rapita da Sichem
34:1 Or Dina, la figlia che Lea aveva partorito a Giacobbe, uscì per vedere le figlie del paese. 2 E Sichem, figlio di Hamor lo Hivveo, principe del paese, vedutala la rapì, si coricò con lei e la violentò. 3 E la sua anima si legò a Dina, figlia di Giacobbe; egli amò la fanciulla e parlò al cuore della ragazza. 4 Poi disse ad Hamor suo padre: «Dammi questa fanciulla per moglie». 5 Or Giacobbe udì che egli aveva disonorato sua figlia Dina; ma i suoi figli erano nei campi col suo bestiame, per cui Giacobbe tacque finché non furono tornati. 6 Allora Hamor, padre di Sichem, si recò da Giacobbe per parlargli. 7 Appena sentirono dell'accaduto, i figli di Giacobbe tornarono dai campi; essi erano addolorati e fortemente adirati, perché costui aveva commesso una cosa ignominiosa in Israele, coricandosi con la figlia di Giacobbe, cosa che non era da farsi. 8 Ma Hamor parlò loro, dicendo: «L'anima di mio figlio Sichem si è legata a vostra figlia; deh, dategliela in moglie; 9 e imparentatevi con noi: dateci le vostre figlie e prendetevi le nostre figlie. 10 Così voi abiterete con noi e il paese sarà a vostra disposizione; dimoratevi, commerciate e acquistate in esso delle proprietà». 11 Poi Sichem disse al padre e ai fratelli di Dina: «Fate che io trovi grazia agli occhi vostri e vi darò qualunque cosa mi chiederete. 12 Imponetemi pure una grande dote e un dono, e io vi darò quanto chiederete, ma datemi la fanciulla in moglie». 13 Allora i figli di Giacobbe risposero a Sichem e a Hamor suo padre e parlarono loro con astuzia, perché Sichem aveva disonorato Dina loro sorella, 14 e dissero loro: «Non possiamo fare questa cosa, e cioè dare la nostra sorella a uno che non è circonciso, perché questo sarebbe per noi un disonore. 15 Soltanto a questa condizione acconsentiremo alla vostra richiesta: se voi diventerete come noi, facendo circoncidere ogni maschio tra voi. 16 Allora noi vi daremo le nostre figlie e ci prenderemo le vostre figlie, abiteremo con voi e diventeremo un sol popolo. 17 Ma se non ci volete ascoltare e non vi volete far circoncidere, noi prenderemo la nostra figlia e ce ne andremo». 18 Le loro parole piacquero ad Hamor e a Sichem, figlio di Hamor. 19 E il giovane non indugiò a fare la cosa, perché voleva bene alla figlia di Giacobbe ed era l'uomo più onorato in tutta la casa di suo padre.
I Sichemiti massacrati da Simeone e Levi
20 Hamor e Sichem, suo figlio, vennero alla porta della loro città e parlarono agli uomini della loro città, dicendo: 21 «Questi uomini intendono stare in pace con noi; rimangano pure nel paese e vi commercino, perché il paese è grande abbastanza per loro. Noi prenderemo le loro figlie per mogli e daremo le nostre figlie a loro. 22 Ma questi uomini acconsentiranno ad abitare con noi per formare un sol popolo, unicamente a questa condizione: che ogni maschio fra noi sia circonciso, come sono circoncisi loro. 23 Il loro bestiame, la loro ricchezza e i loro animali non saranno forse nostri? Acconsentiamo alla loro richiesta ed essi abiteranno con noi». 24 E tutti quelli che uscivano dalla porta della città diedero ascolto ad Hamor e a suo figlio Sichem; e ogni maschio fu circonciso, tutti quelli che uscivano dalla porta della città. 25 Or avvenne che il terzo giorno, mentre essi erano sofferenti, due dei figli di Giacobbe, Simeone e Levi, fratelli di Dina, presero ciascuno la propria spada, piombarono sulla città che se ne stava al sicuro, e uccisero tutti i maschi. 26 Passarono a fil di spada anche Hamor e suo figlio Sichem; poi presero Dina dalla casa di Sichem e se ne andarono. 27 I figli di Giacobbe piombarono sugli uccisi e saccheggiarono la città, perché la loro sorella era stata disonorata. 28 Così essi presero i loro greggi, i loro armenti, i loro asini, tutto ciò che era in città e tutto ciò che era nei campi, 29 e portarono via come bottino tutte le loro ricchezze, tutti i loro piccoli, le loro mogli e tutto ciò che si trovava nelle case. 30 Allora Giacobbe disse a Simeone e a Levi: «Voi mi avete messo nei guai rendendomi odioso agli abitanti del paese, ai Cananei e ai Perezei. Siccome noi siamo in pochi, essi si raduneranno contro di me e mi daranno addosso, e io e la casa mia saremo sterminati». 31 Ma essi risposero: «Doveva egli trattare nostra sorella come una prostituta?».

Miracles Explained

With this post I will explain the miracles as they happened.

1) Two weeks ago 9th Menachem Av came out on Shabbos and the day after we mourned the loss of our temple at the hands of the Romans led by the children of Edom.

2) Last Shabbos we received comfort and the hope of the future restoration of our Kingdom.

3) On the first day of the week after our Shabbos of comfort the judgements began to pour out and there was an earthquake which caused minor damage left unnoticed in the Bell Tower in Trento.

4) Two days later on the third day of the week the fire in the tower started as a result of the damage caused by the earthquake. We are talking about precision delivery of miracles here. The local media reported that spontaneous combustion was believed to be the cause.

5) On the fourth day of the week a wind caused the fire to start again as a result of the authorities of Trento refusing to meet my demands of demolishing the anti-Semitic sculptures on Palazzo Salvadori. Local media attempted to control the public by insisting that the causes were 'natural'.

Despite this wonderful series of miracles the authorities leading Trento to its own destruction refuse to be humbled and continue to display their characteristic arrogance which will inevitably lead to their downfall taking the whole of the province down with them.
It seems that Trento's last chance of survival is for the local population to revolt and take control of the city and demolish the offending sculptures.

Keep The Sabbath

None of the first six floors were damaged. Damage was sustained from the 7th floor up. Let that be a sign to those who wish to desecrate the 7th day.

The Bell fell to the 8th floor. Let that be a sign that the true King of Israel has arrived and is about to judge the entire earth for all their wicked acts against the Jewish people the children of Israel.


Ok guys. I contacted the polizia di stato, the carbinieri and the mayor's office (sindaco). All three I gave the opportunity to peacefully demolish the anti-Semitic symbols on public display in the city of Trent's city centre. My petitions were not received favourably. In fact, to the contrary the attitude was one of pride and arrogance. I gave fair warning that more miracles were in store. They didn't seem to care.
As could easily have been predicted the authorities of Trento (quite clearly Amalekim) don't want to resolve this matter peacefully. In fact, one spoke to me quite threateningly about what would happen to me when they 'find' me. Unfortunately my brothers it seems that a peaceful solution is not possible. I sent a wind (baruch hashem) to restart the fire they put out but they did not fear even this miraculous sign.
I, therefore, now authorise an elevation to the next level and assume full personal responsibility for the aftermath.
Let the whole city be raised and swallowed under the ground. It's time to unleash the final judgement. A force 10 earthquake that will swallow the city.
Given that the authorities are apparently beyond salvation. My instructions are to spend all energies in removing all who will listen from the city in order than any innocent dwellers of the city be saved from the pending destruction.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

To The Mayor Of Trento

This is an open letter to the mayor of Trento.

Given that you can hardly speak Italian I expect you will probably need somebody to translate this letter into Trentino dialect for you.

I am hoping that by now you fully understand that I mean business. I would like to give you the opportunity to return all monies and property to re-establish a Jewish community in Trento. I expect of course this to include the synagogue in Palazzo Salvadori. I also expect you to remove immediately the anti-Semitic sculptures which currently are shamelessly exhibited on the front face of the building.

I expect the Jewish community to be offered a sizeable sum as compensation for the massacre of the Jews in Trento as a result of the blood liable of Simon of Trent.

I would also like to give you the opportunity to demolish voluntarily both the Cathedral and the Castle Buonconsiglio in Trento which are symbols of the Bishop-Prince office which was responsible for the massacre.

My requests are not negotiable. I think we would both like to avoid the earthquake which is coming which will devastate the entire city.

My Confession To The Curia

I copy and paste my confession about burning the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in an email to the Curia in Jerusalem of just a few days ago. I don't know why they seem to want to sweep this under the carpet. I guess they just don't want the publicity.

from:Yaakov Ben Yitzhak
date:Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 6:33 PM
subject:Fire in Church of Nativity last year

Dear Custos,

this email is addressed to the Custos and should only be read by him.

Dear Custos,

I am writing to you in regards to your office as Custodian of the Holy Land. As Custodian of the Holy Land you may be interested to receive information about the fires in the Dormition Abbey and the Church of the Nativity last year during the visit of Pope Francis last year. You may be interested to learn the details of who was responsible for those fires and the reasons for them.

I am in a rather unique position to be able to supply you with such information given that both fires were started by me.

That's right! I did it! And the reasons I did it are published online in my blog for the whole world to see.

More specifically you may like to read the following posts which detail how I started those fires:

In those posts I detail how the first fire I started to deal with a halachic problem of entering a house of idol worship as part of a failed attempt to assassinate the Pope. The second fire I started to cleanse Beth Lechem from the acts of idolatry enacted by the Pope there that same day.

You may also be interested to read how I was chosen for this mission:

Yes! That's right! Your friends in Italy kidnapped my daughter and now I'm on an unstoppable and insatiable mission to wipe you out along with everything you stand for. I will not stop until there is no memory that a Roman empire ever existed left in this world.

Yaakov Ben Yitzchak.

The Curia of the Holy Land was warned

I copy and paste my official warning which was sent just a few days ago to the Curia in Jerusalem.

from:Yaakov Ben Yitzhak
date:Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 6:43 PM

Dear Custos,

by now I am hoping you have already read my previous message which details the fires I started in the Dormition Abbey and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. I am hoping you now understand the kind of person you are dealing with.

At this juncture I would like to give you a chance to surrender and retreat from Isreal. I promise you and those that follow you safe passage and remember your good deeds if you comply with the following demands.

* you will see to it that all images, sculptures, statues and anything else similar in Israel under you custody will be smashed, crushed, burned and utterly destroyed.
* you will relinquish all claims of ownership of land or buildings within the borders of the Land of Israel Proper
* you will sign over all properties and lands to Jewish ownership
* you will sign them over to the custody surviving heirs of the throne of King David
* those heirs will be named by me you may not make your own strategic choices

This is your only chance to withdraw peacefully. Failure to respond will be interpreted as a refusal to comply.

Let it be known that this year will be a year of complete and total retribution. I will be taking the fight to your home territory of the Republic of Italy. More specifically to Rome to Vatican City.

You have a chance to do the honourable thing and sign over property and land voluntarily before I begin to take action. Justice will come swiftly and without mercy. Just as it was dealt to us. It will be dealt to you.

Yaakov Ben Yitzchak

The Tower is on Fire
This morning while a true son of David was singing the words of King David's public blessing of the maker of heaven and earth (bless his name) he started to relax and fell into a trance round about 11:45 UK time. He started the morning service late at about 11:30.

At 10:50 Italian time (round about the same time) the clock of the main tower of the Cathedral of Trento stopped. The reason it stopped is because the tower spontaneously combusted in what can only be described as a true miracle.

The man in the first video on the page linked to is the Mayor of Trent. I wasn't able to put a face to a name before today but the name I knew well. Because when I went to look for my internationally abducted daughter and as a result of my singing oz yashir moshe outside of the court I received a court order with his signature saying that if I was to stay in Trento I would be committed to a lunatic asylum. Such are the machinations of the children of Esav and Amalek who live in the richest province of Italy.

In the video he calls the tower a symbol of the city.

To us the tower is a symbol of:

1) The blood liable that surrounded the slander of Simon of Trent and the subsequent murder and persecution of the city's innocent Jews.

2) The explicit deification of the Bishop of Rome in the infamous Tridentine creed.

3) The centre of the counter-reformation that ensured idols would still be worshipped and Jews would still be hated for many years to come.

4) The centre of the most anti-Semitic liturgy in the history of the church - the Tridentine liturgy.

5) The illegal and abhorrent international abduction of a baby girl of only one years old and the subsequent persecution of her father

Blessed be the holy name of the holy one of Israel spelled with a Yod a Hey and then a Vav and a Hey. May this day be the first day of the end of such a wicked city.